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+ Indicates project funded by intra- or extra-mural award for which Dr. Curtin is the principal investigator
Gustafson Sr DH, Mares ML, Johnston D, Vjorn OJ, Curtin JJ, Landucci G, Pe-Romashko K, Gustafson Jr DH, Shah DV (2024). An eHealth Intervention to Improve Quality of Life, Socioemotional, and Health-Related Measures Among Older Adults With Multiple Chronic Conditions: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Aging; 7:e59588. doi: 10.2196/59588PMID: 39642938
Jiwani Z, Goldberg SB, Stroud J, Young J, Curtin J, Dunne J, Simonsson O, Webb C, Carhart-Harris R, & Schlosse M (In Press). Can Psychedelic Use Benefit Meditation Practice? Examining Individual, Psychedelic, and Meditation-Related Factors. PLOS One.
Gustafson DH Sr., Gustafson DH Jr., Mares ML, Johnston DC, Vjorn OJ, Curtin JJ, Epstein EE, Bailey GL (In Press). Couple-Focused Smartphone Intervention to Reduce Problem Drinking: A Randomized Pilot Trial. JMIR Formative Research.
Gustafson Sr DH, Mares LM, Johnston D, Vjorn OJ, Curtin JJ, Landucci G, Pe-Romashko K, Gustafson Jr DH, Shah DV (In Press). An eHealth Intervention to Improve Quality of Life, Socio-Emotional, and Health-Related Measures for Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Aging. Preprint
Wyant K, Sant’Ana SJK, Fronk G, & Curtin, JJ (In Press). Machine learning models for temporally precise lapse prediction in alcohol use disorder. Psychopathology and Clinical Science. Preprint
Cohen TR, Fronk GE, Kiehl KA, Curtin JJ, Koenigs M. (In Press). Clarifying the relationship between mental illness and recidivism using machine learning: A retrospective study. PLOS ONE.
Gustafson DH, Landucci G, Vjorn OJ, Gicquelais RE, Goldberg SB, Johnston DC, Curtin JJ, Bailey GL, Shah DV, Pe-Romashko K, Gustafson DH (2024). Effects of Bundling Medication for Opioid Use Disorder With an mHealth Intervention Targeting Addiction: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Am J Psychiatry;181(2):115-124. Online ahead of print
Kim HC, Kaplan C, Islam S, Anderson A, Piper M, Bradford D, Curtin J, DeYoung K, Smith J, Fox A, Shackman A (2023). Acute nicotine abstinence amplifies subjective withdrawal symptoms and threat-evoked fear and anxiety, but not extended amygdala reactivity. PLOS ONE; 18(7): e0288544. Open Access
Yang E, Kornfield R, Liu Y, Chi M, Sarma P, Gustafson G, Curtin J , and Shah D (2023). Using Machine Learning of Online Expression to Explain Recovery Trajectories. Journal of Medical Internet Research; 25:e45589. Open Access
+Wyant K, Moshontz H, Ward SB, Fronk GE, Curtin JJ (2023). Acceptability of Personal Sensing Among People With Alcohol Use Disorder: Observational Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 11:e41833, doi: 10.2196/41833. Open Access
Papp LM, Kouros CD, Armstrong L, & Curtin JJ. (2022). College students’ momentary stress and prescription drug misuse in daily life: Testing direct links and the moderating roles of global stress and coping. Stress and Health, 1– 11. PDF
+Fronk GE**, Hefner K**, Gloria R**, & Curtin JJ (2022). Central stress response among heavy marijuana users. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 36(8), 1023–1035. **indicates that these authors contributed equally as co-first authors. PDF
+Schultz ME**, Fronk GE**, Jaume-Feliciosi N, Magruder K, & Curtin JJ (2022). Stressor-elicited smoking and craving during a smoking cessation attempt. J Psychopathol Clin Sci, 131(1):73-85. PMC8979188. **indicates that these authors contributed equally as co-first authors. PDF
+Bradford DE, Shireman JM, Sant’Ana SJ, Fronk GE, Schneck SE, Curtin JJ (2022). Alcohol’s effects during uncertain and uncontrollable stressors in the laboratory. Clinical Psychological Science, 10(5):885-900. PMC9472562 PDF
Gustafson D, Kornfield R, Mares M-L, Johnston D, Cody O, Yang E, Gustafson Jr D, Hwang J, Mahoney J, Curtin J, Tahk A and Shah D. (2022). Effect of an eHealth Intervention on Older Adults’ Quality of Life and Health-Related Outcomes: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 37(3), 521-530. PDF
Papp LM, Kouros CD, Witt KW, Curtin JJ (2022). Real-time Momentary Mood as a Predictor of College Students’ Prescription Drug Misuse in Daily Life: Direct Links and the Moderating Role of Background Mental Health. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 30(6), 787-796. PDF
+Moshontz H, Colmenares A, Fronk G, Sant’Ana S, Wyant K, Wanta S, Maus A, Gustafson D, Jr, Shah D, and Curtin J. (2021) Prospective Prediction of Lapses in Opioid Use Disorder: Protocol for a Personal Sensing Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(12):e29563. PDF
Aggarwal N, Ahmed M, Basu S, Curtin JJ, Evans BJ, Matheny ME, Nundy S, Sendak MP, Shachar C, Shah RU, and Thadaney-Israni S. (2020). Advancing Artificial Intelligence in Health Settings Outside the Hospital and Clinic. NAM Perspectives. Discussion Paper, National Academy of Medicine, Washington, DC. PDF
Papp LM, Kouros CD, Curtin JJ (2020). Real-time associations between young adults’ momentary pain and prescription opioid misuse intentions in daily life. American Psychologist, 75(6), 761–771. PDF
+Fronk GE, Sant’Ana SJ, Kaye JT, & Curtin JJ (2020). Stress allostasis in substance use disorder: Promise, progress, and emerging priorities in clinical research. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 16, 401-430. PDF
Aczel B, Szaszi B, …Curtin J,… et al. (2019). A consensus-based transparency checklist. Nature Human Behaviour, 96, 1-3. PDF
+Kaye JT, Fronk GE, Zgierska AE, Cruz MR, Rabago D, Curtin JJ (2019). Acute prazosin administration does not reduce stressor reactivity in healthy adults. Psychopharmacology, 236(11), 3371-3382. PMC6832815. PDF
Hur J, Kaplan CM, Smith JF, Bradford DE, Fox AS, Curtin JJ, Shackman AJ (2018). Acute alcohol administration dampens central extended amygdala reactivity. Scientific Reports, 12;8(1), 16702. PMC6232084. PDF
+Bradford DE, Fronk GE, Sant’Ana SJ, Magruder KP, Kaye JT, Curtin JJ (2018). The need for precise answers for the goals of precision medicine in alcohol dependence to succeed. Neuropsychopharmacology, 43, 1799-1800. PMC6046054. PDF
Infantolino, ZP, Luking, KR, Sauder, CL, Curtin, JJ, & Hajcak, G. (2018). Robust is not necessarily reliable: From within-subjects fMRI contrasts to between-subjects comparisons. NeuroImage, 173, 146-152. PMC5912348. PDF
+Hefner KR, Starr MJ, & Curtin JJ (2018). Heavy marijuana use but not deprivation is associated with increased stressor reactivity. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127(4), 348-358. PMC5951409. PDF
Brauer M & Curtin JJ (2018). Linear mixed-effects models and the analysis of nonindependent data: A unified framework to analyze categorical and continuous independent variables that vary within-subjects and/or within-items. Psychological Methods, 23, 389-411. PDF
+Bradford DE, Motschman CA Starr MJ, & Curtin JJ (2017). Alcohol’s effects on emotionally motivated attention, defensive reactivity, and subjective anxiety during uncertain threat. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12, 1823–1832. PMC5714195. PDF
+Kaye JT, Bradford DE, Magruder KP & Curtin JJ (2017). Probing for neuroadaptations to unpredictable stressors in addiction: translational methods and emerging evidence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 78, 353-371. PMC5440361. PDF
+Moberg CA, Bradford DE, Kaye JT, & Curtin JJ (2017). Increased startle potentiation to unpredictable stressors in alcohol dependence: Possible stress neuroadaptation in humans. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 126, 441-453. PMC5418084. PDF
+Kaye JT, Bradford DE, & Curtin JJ (2016). Psychometric properties of startle and corrugator response in NPU, Affective Picture Viewing, and Resting State tasks. Psychophysiology, 53, 1241-1255. PMC4949104 PDF
+Hefner KR, Verona E, & Curtin JJ (2016). Emotion regulation during threat: Parsing the time course and consequences of safety signal processing. Psychophysiology, 53, 1193-1202. PMC5488858. PDF
+Hefner KR, Starr MJ, & Curtin JJ. (2016). Altered subjective reward valuation among drug-deprived heavy marijuana users: Aversion to uncertainty. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125,138-50. PMC4701603 PDF
+Bradford DE, Starr MJ, Shackman AJ, Curtin JJ (2015). Empirically based comparisons of the reliability and validity of common quantification approaches for eyeblink startle potentiation in humans. Psychophysiolology, 52, 1669-1681. PMC4715694 PDF
+Bradford DE, Curtin JJ, Piper ME (2015). Anticipation of smoking sufficiently dampens stress reactivity in nicotine deprived smokers. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124, 128-36. PMC4332561 PDF
+Baskin-Sommers AR, Curtin JJ, Newman JP (2015). Altering the cognitive-affective dysfunctions of psychopathic and externalizing offender subtypes with cognitive remediation. Clinical Psychological Science, 3, 45-57. PMC4426343 PDF
+Bradford DE, Magruder KP, Korhumel RA, Curtin JJ (2014). Using the Threat Probability Task to assess anxiety and fear during uncertain and certain threat. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 91, e51905. PDF | Video
+Baskin-Sommers A, Krusemark E, Curtin JJ, Lee C, Vujnovich A, Newman JP (2014). The impact of cognitive control, incentives, and working memory load on the P3 responses of externalizing prisoners. Biological Psychology, 96, 86-93. PMC3947287 PDF
+Bradford DE, Kaye JT, Curtin JJ (2014). Not just noise: Individual differences in general startle reactivity predict startle reactivity to uncertain and certain threat. Psychophysiology, 51, 407-411. PMC3984356 PDF
+Baskin-Sommers AR, Curtin JJ, Newman JP (2013). Emotion-modulated startle in psychopathy: Clarifying familiar effects. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122, 458-468. PMC3640755 PDF
+Bradford DE, Shapiro B, Curtin JJ (2013). How bad could it be? Alcohol dampens stress responses to uncertain intensity threat. Psychological Science, 24, 2541-2549. PMC3951286 PDF
+Hefner KR, Moberg CA, Hachiya LY, Curtin JJ (2013). Alcohol stress response dampening during imminent vs. distal, uncertain threat. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122, 756-769. PMC4047525 PDF
+Larson CL, Baskin-Sommers AR, Stout DM, Balderston NL, Schultz DH, Curtin JJ, Kiehl KA, Newman JP (2013). The interplay of attention and emotion: Top-down attention modulates amygdala activation in psychopathy. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 4, 757-70. PMC3806893 PDF
+Anton M, Baskin-Sommers AR, Vitale J, Curtin JJ, Newman JP (2012). Differential effects of psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder symptoms on cognitive and fear processing in female offenders. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 12, 761-76. PMC3508139 PDF
+Baskin-Sommers AR, Curtin JJ, Larson CL, Stout D, Kiehl K, Newman JP (2012). Characterizing the anomalous cognition-emotion interactions in externalizing. Biological Psychology, 91, 48–58. PMC3407296 PDF
+Baskin-Sommers AR, Curtin JJ, Li W, Newman JP (2012). Psychopathy-related differences in selective attention are captured by an early event related potential. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment, 3, 370-378. PMC3387525 PDF
+Hefner KR, Curtin JJ (2012). Alcohol stress response dampening: Selective reduction of anxiety in the face of uncertain threat. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 26, 232 – 245. PMC3413306 PDF
Wardell JD, Read JP, Curtin JJ, & Merrill JE (2012). Mood and implicit alcohol expectancy processes: Predicting alcohol consumption in the laboratory. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 36, 119-29. PMC3208123 PDF
+Baskin-Sommers AR, Curtin JJ, Newman JP (2011). Specifying the attentional selection that moderates the fearlessness of psychopathic offenders. Psychological Science, 22, 226-234. PMC3358698 PDF
+Baskin-Sommers AR, Newman JP, Sathasivam N, Curtin JJ (2011). Evaluating the generalizability of a fear deficit in psychopathic African American offenders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120, 71-78. PMC3361646 PDF
+Lake A, Baskin-Sommers A, Curtin JJ, Li W, Newman JP (2011). Evidence for unique threat-processing mechanisms in psychopathic and anxious individuals. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 11, 451–46. PMC3193903 PDF
+Moberg CA, Weber S, Curtin JJ (2011). Alcohol dose effects on stress response to cued threat vary by threat intensity. Psychopharmacology, 218, 217-227. PMC3413308 PDF
Sargaent MN, Daughters SB, Curtin JJ, Schuster R, Lejuez CW (2011). Unique roles of Antisocial Personality Disorder and psychopathic traits in distress tolerance. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120, 87-92. PMC3229260 PDF
Schlam TR, Japuntich SJ, Piper ME, Gloria R, Baker TB, Curtin JJ (2011). Cognitive conflict following appetitive versus negative cues and smoking cessation failure. Psychopharmacology, 214, 603-616. PMC3081364 PDF
Baskin-Sommers A, Wallace J, MacCoon D, Curtin JJ, Newman J (2010). Clarifying the factors that undermine behavioral inhibition system functioning in psychopathy. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 1, 203-217. PMC2992384 PDF
+Hogle JM, Kaye JT, Curtin JJ (2010). Nicotine withdrawal increases threat-induced anxiety but not fear: Neuroadaptation in human addiction. Biological Psychiatry, 68, 719-725. PMC2949532 PDF
McCarthy DE, Curtin JJ, Piper ME, Baker TB (2010). Negative reinforcement: Possible clinical implications of an integrative model. In J. Kassel (Ed.), Substance Abuse and Emotion, (pp. 15-42), American Psychological Association. PDF
+Newman JP, Curtin JJ, Bertsch JD, Baskin-Sommers AR (2010). Attention moderates the fearlessness of psychopathic offenders. Biological Psychiatry, 67, 66-70. PMC2795048 PDF
Gloria R, Angelos L, Schaefer HS, Davis JM, Majeskie M, Richmond BS, Curtin JJ, Davidson RJ, Baker TB (2009). An fMRI investigation of the impact of withdrawal on regional brain activity during nicotine anticipation. Psychophysiology, 46, 681-693. PMC2706918 PDF
+Dvorak-Bertsch JD, Curtin JJ, Rubinstein TJ, Newman JP (2009). Psychopathic traits moderate the interaction between cognitive and affective processing. Psychophysiology, 46, 913–921. PMC2746860 PDF
+McCarthy DE, Gloria R, Curtin JJ (2009). Attention bias in nicotine withdrawal and under stress. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 23, 77-90. PMC2897737 PDF
+Moberg CA, Curtin JJ (2009). Alcohol selectively reduces anxiety but not fear: Startle response during unpredictable vs. predictable threat. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 118, 335-347. PMC2756160 PDF
Verona E, Sadeh N, Curtin J (2009). Stress-induced asymmetric frontal brain activity and aggression risk. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 118, 131-145. PDF
Curtin JJ, Lang AR (2007). Alcohol and emotion: Insights and directives from affective science. In J. Rottenberg & Johnson, S (Eds.), Emotion and Psychopathology: Bridging Affective and Clinical Science, (pp. 191-213), American Psychological Association. PDF
Curtin JJ, Lozano DL, Allen JJB (2007). The psychophysiology laboratory. In J.A. Coan and J.J.B. Allen (Eds.), The Handbook of Emotion Elicitation and Assessment, New York: Oxford University Press. PDF
Donohue KF, Curtin JJ, Patrick CJ, Lang AR (2007). Intoxication level and emotional response. Emotion, 7, 103-112. PDF
+Dvorak-Bertsch JD, Curtin JJ, Rubinstein TJ, Newman JP (2007). Anxiety moderates the interplay between cognitive and affective processing. Psychological Science, 18, 699-705. PMC3125602 PDF
Lejuez CW, Bornovalova MA, Reynolds EK, Daughters SB, Curtin JJ (2007). Risk factors in the relationship between gender and crack/cocaine. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 15, 165-175. PMC3182264 PDF
Read JP, Curtin JJ (2007). Contextual influences on alcohol expectancy processes. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 68, 759-770. PDF
Verona E, Pole M, Reed A, Curtin JJ (2007). Gender differences in emotional and overt/covert aggressive responses to stress. Aggressive Behavior, 33, 261-271. PDF
Baker TB, Japuntich SJ, Hogle JM, McCarthy DE, Curtin JJ (2006). Pharmacologic and Behavioral Withdrawal from Addictive Drugs. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15, 232-236. PDF
Curtin JJ, McCarthy DE, Piper ME, Baker TB (2006). Implicit and explicit drug motivational processes: A model of boundary conditions. In R. Reinout and A. Stacy (Eds.), Handbook on Implicit Cognition and Addiction (pp 233-250). Sage Publications. PDF
+Hogle JM, Curtin JJ (2006). Sex differences in negative affective response during nicotine withdrawal. Psychophysiology, 43, 244-256. PDF
LaRowe SD, Patrick CJ, Curtin JJ, Kline JP (2006). Personality correlates of startle habituation. Biological Psychology, 72, 257-264. PDF
+Piper ME, Curtin JJ (2006). Tobacco withdrawal and negative affect: An analysis of initial emotional response intensity and voluntary emotion regulation. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 115, 96-102. PDF
Testa M, Fillmore M, Norris J, Abbey A, Curtin JJ, et al (2006). Understanding Alcohol Expectancy Effects: Revisiting the Placebo Condition. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 30, 339-348. PMC1403295 PDF
Themanson JA, Hillman CH, Curtin JJ (2006). Age and physical activity influences on action monitoring during task switching. Neurobiology of Aging, 27, 1335-1345. PDF
Verona E, Curtin JJ (2006). Gender differences in the negative affective priming of aggressive behavior. Emotion, 6, 115-124. PDF
+Curtin JJ, Barnett N, Colby S, Rohsenow D, Monti P (2005). Cue Reactivity in adolescents: Measurement of separate approach and avoidance reactions. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 66, 332-343. PDF
Lejuez CW, Bornovalova MA, Daughters SB, Curtin JJ (2005). Differences in impulsivity and sexual risk-taking behavior among inner-city crack/cocaine and heroin users. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 77, 169-175. PDF
Pollak SD, Vardi S, Bechner A, Curtin J (2005). Physically abused children’s regulation of attention in response to hostility. Child Development, 76, 968-977. PDF
Amodio DM, Harmon-Jones E, Devine PG, Curtin JJ, Hartley S, Covert A (2004). Neural signals for the detection of unintentional race bias. Psychological Science, 15, 88-93. PDF
Stritzke WGK, Breiner MJ, Curtin JJ, Lang AR (2004). Assessment of substance cue reactivity: Advances in reliability, specificity, and validity. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 18, 148-159. PDF
Verona E, Patrick CJ, Curtin JJ, Bradley MM, Lang PJ (2004). Psychopathy and physiological response to emotionally evocative sounds. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 113, 90-108. PDF
Casbon TS, Curtin JJ, Lang AR, Patrick CJ (2003). Deleterious effects of alcohol intoxication: Diminished cognitive control and its behavioral consequences. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 112, 476-487. PDF
+Curtin JJ, Fairchild, BA (2003). Alcohol and cognitive control: Implications for regulation of behavior during response conflict. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 112, 424-436. PDF
Baker TB, Curtin JJ (2002). How will we know a lapse when we see one? Comment on Leri and Stewart. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 10, 350-352. PDF
Licht BG, Licht MH, Harper KM, Lin S, Curtin JJ, Hyson LL, Willard K (2002). Clinical presentations of naturally occurring canine seizures: Similarities to human seizures. Epilepsy and Behavior, 3, 460-470. PDF
Patrick, CJ, Curtin JJ, Tellegen A (2002). Development and validation of a brief form of the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire. Psychological Assessment, 14, 150-163. PDF
+Curtin JJ, Patrick CJ, Lang AR, Cacioppo JT, Birbaumer N. (2001). Alcohol affects emotion through cognition. Psychological Science, 12, 527-531. PDF
Zvolensky MJ, Lejuez CW, Stuart GL, Curtin JJ (2001). Experimental psychopathology in psychological science. Review of General Psychology, 5, 371-381. PDF
Holm CJ, Frank DI, Curtin JJ (1999). Health beliefs, health locus of control, and women’s mammography behavior. Cancer Nursing, 22, 149-156. PDF
Miller MW, Curtin JJ, Patrick CJ (1999). A startle-probe methodology for investigating the effects of active avoidance on negative emotional reactivity. Biological Psychology, 50, 235-257. PDF
Arlotti J, Cotrell B, Lee SH, Curtin JJ (1998). Breastfeeding among low income women with and without peer support. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 15, 163-178. PDF
Curtin J, Lang A, Patrick C, Stritzke W (1998). Alcohol and fear-potentiated startle: The role of competing cognitive demands in the stress-reducing effects of intoxication. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 107, 547-557. PDF
Brandt JR, Kennedy WA, Patrick CJ, Curtin JJ (1997). Assessment of psychopathy in a population of incarcerated adolescent offenders. Psychological Assessment, 9, 429-435. PDF
Bridges C, Frank DI, Curtin JJ (1997). Employer attitudes toward breastfeeding in the workplace. Journal of Human Lactation, 13, 215-219. PDF
Frank DI, Paredes SD, Curtin JJ (1997). Perceptions of parent and nurse relationships and attitudes of parental participation in caring for infants in the NICU. Florida Nurse, 45, 9-10. PDF
Fite S, Frank DI, Curtin JJ (1996). The relationship of social support to women’s obtaining mammography screening. Journal of the Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 8, 565-569. PDF