- Kendra Wyant: Finalist, Biohealth Communication Competition
- John Curtin wins $3.2 million NIH grant to improve alcohol use recovery with AI-driven interventions
- John Curtin: Kellett Mid-Career Award
- EJ Jardas: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Award
- Gaylen Fronk: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award
- Yanissa Riveria: National Institute of Drug Abuse 2022 Summer Research Internship
- Kendra Wyant: Learning, Understanding, Cognition, Intelligence, and Data-science (LUCID) Fellowship
- “This app may one day curb opioid relapses, UW-Madison researchers say”. August 1, 2019. Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. (Subscriber Link) (PDF)
- “Contextualized daily prediction of lapse risk in opioid use disorder by digital phenotyping.”: NIDA Grant awarded to John Curtin & Dhavan Shah (Co-PIs)
- Kendra Paquette: Psychology Research Experience Program (PREP)
Kendra Paquette with Sara Sant’Ana and John Curtin after receiving her PREP Award - Maggie Mataczynski: NIH Fellowship
- Emma Jardas: NIH Fellowship
- Sarah Sant’Ana: Learning, Understanding, Cognition, Intelligence, and Data-science (LUCID) Fellowship
- Gaylen Fronk: Learning, Understanding, Cognition, Intelligence, and Data-science (LUCID) Fellowship
- Emma Jardas: APA Division 28 Undergraduate Travel Award
- Emma Jardas: Outstanding Undergraduate Research Scholars Award
- Sarah Sant’Ana: SSCP Student Poster Competition Distinguished Contribution Award
- Daniel Bradford: National Register Credentialing Scholarship
- Emma Jardas: Welton Summer Apprenticeship
- Daniel Bradford: UW Madison Multicultural Graduate Network Graduate Peer Mentor Award, Honorable Mention
- Maggie Mataczynski: Outstanding Undergraduate Research Scholar Award

- Daniel Bradford: Lyn Abramson Award for Cognitive Approaches to Psychopathology
- Jack Shireman: University Bookstore Academic Excellence Award
- “Real-time predictors of prescription drug misuse by college students and assessment of misuse on their developmental trajectories.”: NIDA Grant awarded to Lauren M Papp (PI) & John Curtin (Co-I)
- Daniel Bradford: 4th annual Award for Mentoring Undergraduates in Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities
- John Curtin: UW Vilas Associates Award
- Mark Starr: APS RISE Research Award
- Daniel Bradford: Lyn Abramson Award for Cognitive Approaches to Psychopathology
- Jesse Kaye: Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP) Student Poster Award
- Jack Shireman: Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowship
- Jansen Legreid: Outstanding Undergraduate Research Scholar Award
- Kate Magruder: Training Program in Emotion Research Grant
- Daniel Bradford: Society for Psychophysiology Research (SPR) Outstanding Student Poster Award
- “RCT targeting noradrenergic stress mechanisms in alcoholism with doxazosin.”: NIAAA Grant awarded to John Curtin (PI)
- “Dynamic, real-time prediction of alcohol use lapse using mHealth technologies.”: NIAAA Grant awarded to John Curtin (PI)
- Daniel Bradford: UW Madison Student Research Travel Grant
- “Noradrenergic stress mechanisms in alcoholism: Preclinical translation and drug repurposing.”: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (VCRGE) Grant awarded to John Curtin (PI)
- Daniel Bradford: Schwartz Research Fellowship
- “Graduate Student Spotlight: Jesse Kaye“. Winter 2014. The Update.
- Jesse Kaye: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA)
- John Curtin: Fellow, Association for Psychological Science
- Jesse Kaye: Schwartz Research Fellowship
- Charles Rohrer: Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research fellowship

- “Clinical relevance of stress neuroadaptation in tobacco dependence.”: NIDA Grant awarded to John Curtin (PI)
- Claudia Aguirre: University of Wisconsin-Madison Psychology Research Experience Program (PREP)
- John Idlas: Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research fellowship
- Ben Shapiro: University Bookstore Academic Excellence award
- Christine Moberg: APA Dissertation Research Award
- Megan Navarrette: Sophomore Summer Apprenticeship
- Kathryn Hefner: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award
- Kathryn Hefner: Society for Psychophysiology Research Outstanding Student Poster Award
- Stephanie Dresen: Undergraduate Research Scholar fellowship
- Daniel Bradford: Society for Psychophysiology Research Student Poster Award
- Ben Shapiro: Hilldale Fellowship
- Mark Starr: Research Fellowship Training Award, Society for Psychophysiological Research
- Claire Shaller: Sophomore Summer Apprenticeship
- “UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee Award Intercampus Research Grants”. June 9, 2010. University Communications.
- Jesse Kaye: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
- Jesse Kaye: UW-Center for Tobacco Research & Intervention Developmental Research Grant
- Jesse Kaye: Society for Psychophysiology Student Poster Award
- Christine Moberg: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Dissertation Grant Award
- Christine Moberg: Guze Symposium Meeting Travel Award
- Christine Moberg: Menzies/Royalty Research Foundation Award
- Kathryn Hefner: UW-Center for Tobacco Research & Intervention Developmental Research Grant
- Kathryn Hefner: Society for Psychophysiology Distinguished Student Poster Award
- Christine Moberg: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award
- Daniel Bradford: NIMH Emotion Training Research Grant
- Simon Larscheidt: Senior Thesis
- Mark Starr: NIMH Emotion Training Research Grant
- Kathryn Hefner: NIMH Emotion Training Research Grant
- John Curtin: American Psychological Association (APA) Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology
- John Curtin: Florida State University Graduate of Distinction Award
- Jesse Kaye: Psi Chi Outstanding Research Paper Award
- Jesse Kaye: University Bookstore Academic Excellence Award
- Christine Moberg: Tursky Award for Excellence in Predoctoral Research in Psychophysiology
- Rebecca Gloria: Marian Schwartz Fellowship
- Joanne Hogle: National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Dissertation Award
- Christine Moberg: NIMH Emotion Training Research Grant
- Jesse Kaye: Hilldale Fellowship
- John Curtin: University of Wisconsin H. I. Romnes Award for Research Excellence
- Sarah Austin: Undergraduate Research Scholars fellowship
- Allison Grant: Senior Thesis
- “UW-Madison to honor 10 faculty for teaching excellence“. April 13, 2005. University Communications.
- John Curtin: University of Wisconsin Emil H. Steiger Distinguished Teaching Award
- Amanda Keller: Psychology Research Experience Program (PREP)
- John Curtin: Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Wisconsin Department of Psychology
- Sarah Abromovitz: Hilldale Fellowship for Senior Thesis
- Vivienne Yeh: Sophomore Honors Summer Research Apprenticeship
- Vivienne Yeh: Hilldale Fellowship for Senior Thesis
- Jaclyn Daline: Helen Pfuderer Smith Scholarship
- Michael Gulotta: Hilldale Fellowship for Senior Thesis
- Pat Rothwell: Hilldale Fellowship for Senior Thesis
- Pat Rothwell: University Bookstore Award for Excellence
- Pat Rothwell: Gilchrist Award
- Teague Ashburn: McNair scholarship
- Jennifer Sloan: Undergraduate Research Scholar fellowship
- Jennifer Sloan: McNair scholarship
- Jennifer Sloan: University League Research Scholarship
- Jennifer Sloan: Senior Thesis
- Maclovio Villegas: Undergraduate Research Scholar fellowship
- Brian Weiss: Hilldale Fellowship for Senior Thesis
- Brian Weiss: University League Research Scholarship
- Tammy Beran: McNair scholarship
- Daniel Green: Hilldale Fellowship for Senior Thesis
- Blaise Worden: Hilldale Fellowship for Senior Thesis
- Blaise Worden: Besozzi Scholarship
- Blaise Worden: Florence Waste Pulver, George Enfield Frazer Jr., and Margaret and Allard Scholarship