Links are provided below for pdfs/slidesets from these posters and presentations. For links to published papers, click here.
Punturieri CE, Wanta SE, Curtin, JJ (Accepted). Performance and Equity of Geolocation Data for Lapse Prediction in Alcohol Use Disorder. Society of Biological Psychiatry, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 2025.
Punturieri CE, Wanta SE, Curtin, JJ (Accepted). Performance and Equity of Geolocation Data for Lapse Prediction in Alcohol Use Disorder. Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction, Providence, Rhode Island, April 2025.
Curtin, JJ (2024, December). “Smart” Recovery Monitoring and Support for SUD Continuing Care. Presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Phoenix, AZ.
Curtin, JJ (2024, November). Developing a “Smart” Recovery Monitoring and Support System. Presented at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Emotion Training Grant Seminar, Madison, WI.
Curtin, JJ (2024, November). A “Smart” Recovery Monitoring and Support System for SUD Continuing Care. Presented at the Clinical Area Group “Meet the Faculty”, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Curtin, JJ (2024, October). A “Smart” Recovery Monitoring and Support System for SUD Continuing Care. Presented at: University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Psychology Board of Visitors Meeting, Madison, WI.
Curtin, JJ (2024, October). Developing a “Smart” Recovery Monitoring and Support System. Presented at Center for Healthy Minds Research Meeting, Madison, WI.
Wyant Km Sant’Ana SJ, Fronk GE & Curtin JJ. (2024, June). Using ecological momentary assessment for temporally precise lapse prediction in alcohol use disorder. Flash talk presented at the 2024 Society for Ambulatory Assessment Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.
Curtin, JJ (2024, May). Panelist in roundtable on “How to Measure and Model Recovery.” Hosted by the NIH HEAL Initiative Workshop: Substance Use Disorder Trajectories and Outcomes Within the Broader Socio-Environmental Context, Washington, DC.
Curtin, JJ (2024, May). Precision Mental Health for SUD: Contributions from Sensing and Algorithms. Presented at University of Washington Cross-Area Clinical Seminar, Seattle, WA.
Fronk GE, Papp A, Wyant K, Sant’Ana SJ, & Curtin JJ. (2024, April). Dynamic assessment of self-efficacy predicts future alcohol use. 12th annual meeting of Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction, Denver, CO.
Yu J, Wyant K, Sant’Ana SJ, Fronk GE & Curtin JJ. (2024, April). Assessing demographic variability in machine learning model performance to predict alcohol lapses. 12th annual meeting of Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction, Denver, CO.
Curtin, JJ (2024, March). Precision Mental Health for SUD: Contributions from High Dimensional Prediction Models. Presented at the Clinical Area Group “Meet the Faculty”, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Curtin, JJ (2024, March). Smart Digital Therapeutics for Alcohol Use Disorder: Algorithms for Prediction and Adaptive Intervention. Presented at DSHB Research Meeting.
Curtin, JJ (2024, January). Panelist in roundtable on “Data ethics and algorithmic bias in mental health research.” Hosted by DrivenData and the Wellcome Trust’s Data for Science and Health Team, Denver, CO.
Thao I, Stack K, Frieman H, Curtin JJ, Ferguson J, Nienow T, Bond JD, Kuhn E, Urošević S, (2023, November). Feasibility of automated speech analysis for clinical state detection in bipolar disorders. Presented at the Association for Cognitive and Behavior Therapies Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.
Curtin JJ (2023). Smart Digital Therapeutics for Alcohol Use Disorder: Algorithms for Prediction and Adaptive Intervention. Presented at the Measurement, Modeling, and Ontology of Mental Health Lab, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands. Slideset
Curtin JJ (2023). Smart Digital Therapeutics for Alcohol Use Disorder: Algorithms for Prediction and Adaptive Intervention. Presented at Minneapolis VA, Minneapolis, MN. Slideset
Curtin JJ (2023). Smart Digital Therapeutics for Alcohol Use Disorder: Algorithms for Prediction and Adaptive Intervention. Presented at the Clinical Area Group “Meet the Faculty”, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. Slideset
Sant’Ana S, Wyant K, Fronk G, & Curtin J (2023). Personal Sensing for Temporally Precise Lapse Prediction for Alcohol Use Disorder: Ecological momentary assessment accurately predicts lapse onset in the next week, next day, and next hour for individuals with AUD. Presented at the Collaborative Perspectives On Addiction Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. Poster
Fronk G, Shultz M, Jaume-Felicios N, Magruder K, Curtin J (2023). Stressor-elicited smoking and craving during a smoking cessation attempt. Presented at the Collaborative Perspectives On Addiction Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. Poster
Wyant K, Moshontz H, Ward SB, Fronk GE & Curtin JJ (March 2023). Acceptability of Personal Sensing Among People with Alcohol Use Disorder. Presented at the Collaborative Perspectives On Addiction Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. Poster
Curtin JJ (2023). Smart Digital Therapeutics for Alcohol Use Disorder: Algorithms for Prediction and Adaptive Intervention. Presented at AI+Society Seminar Series, Madison, WI. Slideset
Curtin JJ (2022). Smart Digital Therapeutics for SUD: Promise, Progress, and Pitfalls. Presented at Integrated Opioid and Addiction Care ECHO, Hennepin Healthcare, Minneapolis, MN.
Curtin JJ (2022). Digital Therapeutics in Mental Healthcare: Promise, Progress, and Pitfalls. Presented at the Clinical Area Group “Lunch & Learn”, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Curtin JJ (2022). Personal Sensing for Temporally Precise Lapse Risk Prediction for Alcohol Use Disorder. Presented at the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) 11th Scientific Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. Slideset
Curtin JJ (2022). Smart Digital Therapeutics for SUD: Promise, Progress, and Pitfalls. Presented at Integrated Opioid and Addiction Care ECHO, Hennepin Healthcare, Minneapolis, MN. Slideset
Curtin J, Wyant K, Sant’ana S, & Wanta S (2022). Personal Sensing for Temporally Precise Lapse Risk Prediction for Alcohol Use Disorder. Presented at the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions 11th Scientific Meeting, Pittsburg, PA. Slideset
Curtin JJ (2022). Developing Smart Digital Therapeutics for Substance Use Disorders. Presented at the Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies (CBITs), Northwestern University, Chicago, IL. Slideset
Wyant, K. & Curtin, J.J. (2021). Personal sensing of smartphone communications to support recovery
from alcohol use disorder. Presented at the 36th annual First Year Project Symposium, Madison, WI. Slideset
Curtin JJ (2021). Digital Therapeutics: Mental Healthcare at our Fingertips. Presented at TEDxOshkosh, Oshkosh, WI.
Fronk GE, Moshontz H, & Curtin JJ (2021). Using high-throughput computing to develop precision mental health algorithms. Presented at the 18th Annual HTCondor Week (virtual).
Fronk GE & Curtin JJ (2021). Machine learning-assisted precision mental health for smoking cessation. Presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction (virtual).
Curtin JJ (2020). Digital phenotyping for harm reduction in Substance Use Disorders. Presented at Center for Healthy Minds, Madison, WI. Slideset
Fronk GE & Curtin JJ (2019). Patient-level prediction in smoking cessation. Presented at the 34th annual First Year Project Symposium, Madison, WI.
Fronk GE & Curtin JJ (2019). Machine learning-assisted precision medicine for smoking cessation. Presented at the Second Annual eLUCID8 Conference, Madison, WI.
Sant’Ana SJ, Camarda DE, Fleming MN, Gnateco L, Mataczynski MJ, Shireman PA, Wang C, & Curtin JJ (2019). Facebook for Diagnosing Alcohol Use Disorder in Undergraduates. Presented at the 31st APS Annual Convention, Washington, DC. (received SSCP Student Poster Competition Distinguished Contribution Award) PDF
Fronk GE, Gloria R, Hefner K, Curtin JJ (2019). Stress neuroadaptations following heavy marijuana use: phenomenology and individual differences risk. Presented at the 31st APS Annual Convention, Washington, DC. PDF | Powerpoint
Kaye JT, Fronk GE, Zgierska AE, Cruz MR, Rabago DP, Curtin JJ (2019). Acute Prazosin Administration Does Not Reduce Stressor Reactivity in Healthy Adults. Presented at the Society of Biological Psychiatry’s 74th Annual Scientific Program and Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Kaye JT, Fronk GE, Williams HW, Zgierska AE, Cruz MR, Rabago DP, Curtin JJ (2018). Effects of Acute Prazosin Administration on Startle Potentiation During Unpredictable Versus Predictable Stressors in Humans. Presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR) Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec. PDF | Powerpoint
Magruder KP, Kaye JT, Fleming MN, Kayser AD, Schneck SE, Curtin JJ (2018). The NPU Task: Evaluating a Surrogate Endpoint for Stress Mechanisms in Research on Smoking Cessation Interventions. Presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR) Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec. PDF | Powerpoint
Sant’Ana DJ, Bradford DE, Starr MJ, Curtin JJ (2018). Risky or rational? Alcohol increases the subjective value of uncertain rewards in a reward decision-making task. Presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR) Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec. PDF | Powerpoint
Fronk GE, Gloria R, Hefner K, Curtin JJ (2018). Stress neuroadaptations following heavy marijuana use: phenomenology and individual differences risk. Presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR) Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec. PDF | Powerpoint
Hur J, Kaplan CM, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ, Smith JF, Shackman AJ (2018). Acute alcohol administration dampens threat-related activation in the central extended amygdala. Poster accepted for presentation at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (AADA) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Bradford DE, Shireman JM, Kittleson SJ, Fleming MN, & Curtin JJ (2017). Drinking with the devil you don’t know and the one you can’t control: Alcohol’s effects during unpredictable and uncontrollable stressors in the laboratory. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Psychophysiology (SRP) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. PDF
Goodwin MG, Shireman JM, Fronk GE, Schneck SE, Kayser AD, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ (2017). Alcohol stress response dampening occurs during unpredictable but not uncontrollable shock stressors. Poster presented at the 40th annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Denver, CO.
Magruder K, & Curtin JJ (2017). The NPU Stressor Task: Evaluating a Surrogate Endpoint for Research on Stress Mechanisms in Substance Use Disorders. Poster presented at the 23rd annual Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion, Madison, WI.
Kaye JT, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ (2016). Psychometric properties and inter-task/measure relationships of startle and corrugator response in NPU, Affective Picture Viewing, and Resting State tasks. Presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. PDF | Powerpoint
Bradford DE, Kaye JT, Curtin JJ (2016). The relationships among multiple psychophysiological and self-report measures of negative affect indexed across multiple tasks within the same sample. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. PDF
Kaye JT, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ (2016). Psychometric properties of psychophysiological paradigms in the NIMH RDoC: startle and corrugator response in NPU, affective picture viewing, and resting state tasks. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science annual convention, Chicago, IL. PDF
Kaye JT, Schneck SE, Kayser AD, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ (2016). Affective picture viewing task: Psychometric properties of startle and corrugator potentiation. Poster presented at the Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion, Madison, WI. PDF
Kaye JT, Kayser AD, Schneck SE, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ (2016). No shock, predictable shock, unpredictable shock (NPU) task: Psychometric properties of startle and corrugator potentiation. Poster presented at the Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion, Madison, WI. PDF
Kaye JT, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ (2016). Psychometric properties of startle response modulation in three tasks from the NIMH RDoC Negative Valence System. Poster presented at the Society for Affective Science Conference, Chicago, IL.
Magruder, K., Curtin, J. J. (2016). Alcohol and prepotent response inhibition: ERP evidence of impaired cognitive control. Poster presented at the 56th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Minneapolis, MN. PDF
Magruder, K., Bradford, D. E., Starr, M. J., Motschman, C. A., & Curtin. J. J. (2015). Alcohol stress response dampening on startle potentiation, self-report, and ERPs during threat of uncertain location. Poster presented at the 21st annual Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion, Madison, WI. PPT
Bradford DE, Schneck SE, Coe MA, Curtin JJ (2015). Alcohol dampens stress reactivity but not perception to visually uncertain stressors in a stimulus generalization paradigm. SPR Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. PDF
Kaye JT, Bradford DE, Rohrer CT, Hamilton RK, Kayser AD, Curtin JJ (2015). Psychometric properties of startle response modulation during threat-of-shock, affective picture viewing, and resting state tasks. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Seattle, WA. PDF
Hefner K, Starr, M, Curtin J (2015). Altered subjective reward valuation among drug-deprived marijuana users: Aversion to uncertainty. APS Annual Convention, New York, NY.
Kaye JT, Curtin JJ (2014). Repurposing norepinephrine antagonists for drug addiction treatment: A novel translational laboratory biomarker approach. Poster presented at Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion annual meeting, Madison, WI. PDF
Bradford DE, Magruder KP, Subramani OS, Marek NM, Curtin JJ, Piper ME (2014). Smoking anticipation and actual smoking both lower physiological and psychological reactivity to stress for smokers in withdrawal. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco annual meeting, Seattle, WA. PDF
Kaye JT, Curtin JJ (2014). Repurposing norepinephrine antagonists for drug addiction treatment: A novel translational laboratory biomarker approach. Poster presented at the Symposium on Therapeutics Discovery & Development, UW Institute of Clinical and Translational Research, Madison, WI. PDF
Magruder KP, Bradford DE, Starr MJ, Motschman CA, Korhumel RA, Curtin JJ (2014). Alcohol stress response dampening of startle response, self-report, and ERPs during threat of uncertain location. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual meeting, Bellevue, WA.
Moberg CA, Curtin JJ (2014). Stress neuroadaptation in alcoholism. Poster presented at Association for Psychological Science annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Bradford DE, Korhumel RA, Makhiboroda A, Grabinski KM, Raupp GJ, Curtin JJ, Piper ME (2014). Anticipation of smoking attenuates stress response measured with startle potentiation and self-report in nicotine deprived smokers. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Atlanta, GA. PDF
Baskin-Sommers, A.R., Curtin, J.J., & Newman, J.P. (2013). From Mechanism to Treatment: Using cognitive remediation as a treatment for psychopathic and externalizing offenders. Symposium talk presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy, Washington DC.
Kaye JT, Shi FY, Baker TB, Curtin JJ (2013). Nicotine deprivation induces negative affect to actual cigarettes but not pictures of cigarettes. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Florence, Italy. PDF
Baskin-Sommers AR, Curtin JJ, Newman JP (2012). Emotion-modulated startle in psychopathy: Clarifying familiar effects. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Psychopathology annual meeting, Ann Arbor, MI.
Bencic R, Baskin-Sommers A, Curtin, J, Newman J (2012). Exploring attentional abnormalities in psychopathy with a modified Stroop task. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Psychopathology annual meeting, Ann Arbor, MI.
Bradford DE, Shapiro BL, Curtin JJ (2012). How bad could it be? Alcohol’s effect on startle to uncertain intensity threat varies by dose and baseline startle. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, New Orleans, LA. PDF
Moberg CA, Curtin JJ (2012). Stressing the importance of anxiety in alcoholism. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual meeting, San Francisco, CA. PDF
Starr MJ, Bradford DE, Motschman C, Korhumel R, Curtin JJ (2012). Dose-dependent Effects of Alcohol on Attention to Certain and Uncertain Threat. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, New Orleans, LA. PDF
Baskin-Sommers AR, Newman JP, Larson C, Curtin JJ (2011). Attention moderates the fearlessness and amygdala activation deficits of psychopathic offenders. Paper presented at Society for Research in Psychopathology meeting, Boston, MA.
Bradford DE, Kaye JT, Curtin JJ (2011). Not Just Noise: Individual Differences in Baseline Startle are Anxiety Revelant. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Boston, MA. PDF
Hefner KR, Moberg CA, Hachiya LY, Curtin JJ (2011). Alcohol effects of startle potentiation to variable and fixed duration threat. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Boston, MA. PDF
Kaye, JT, Williams, WC, Hachiya, LY, Bradford, DE, Curtin, JJ (2011). Affective response to differential threat probabilities is unaffected by nicotine deprivation. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Boston, MA. PDF
Starr MJ, Bradford DE, Shackman AJ, Curtin JJ (2011). An Empirical Comparison of Commonly Used Methods of Quantifying Startle Potentiation. Poster presented at the annual meeting for the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Boston, MA. PDF
Baskin-Sommers AR, Curtin JJ, Newman JP (2010). Differentiating the Fear Responses of Psychopathic and Externalizing Incarcerated Male Offenders. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Portland, OR.
Baskin-Sommers AR, Curtin JJ, Newman JP (2010). Fear Potentiated Startle Differentiates Emotion Processing in Psychopathic and Externalizing Incarcerated Male Offenders. Poster presented at the Society of Biological Psychiatry, New Orleans, LA.
Hachiya LY, Moberg CA, Curtin JJ (2010). Alcohol effects on affective response during variable and fixed duration threat. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual meeting, San Antonio, TX. PDF
Hefner KR, Verona E, Curtin JJ (2010). Attentional and affective consequences of safety signals in the presence and absence of threat. Poster presented at the Society of Psychophysiology Research annual meeting, Portland, OR. PDF
Moberg CA, Hachiya LY, Curtin JJ (2010). Alcohol effects on affective response during variable and fixed duration threat. Poster presented at the Samuel B. Guze Symposium on Alcoholism, St. Louis, MO.
Taylor K, Contrada R, Curtin J, Panzarino C, Cohen L, Shah, S, Wilson GT (2010). Body Image and the Acoustic Startle Reflex: A Preliminary Investigation. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Salzburg, Austria.
Schlam TR, Japuntich SJ, Piper ME, Gloria R, Baker TB, Curtin JJ (2010). Cognitive conflict following appetitive versus negative cues predicts smoking cessation failure. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco annual meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Baskin-Sommers AR, Curtin JJ, Newman JP (2009). Negative Slow Wave Activity Reflects Attentional Problems Associated with Psychopathy. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Baskin-Sommers AR, Curtin JJ, Bertsch J, Newman JP (2009). Psychopathic traits moderate electrophysiological activity and fear response. Poster presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Hefner, K, Jaber J, Grant A, Curtin J (2009). Alcohol intoxication: Selective reduction of anxiety in the face of uncertain threat. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Berlin, Germany. PDF
Hefner K, Jaber J, Grant A, Curtin J (2009). Alcohol intoxication: Selective reduction of anxiety in the face of uncertain threat. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual meeting, San Diego, CA. PDF
Moberg CA, Weber SM, Jaber JN, Grant AM, Curtin JJ (2009). Alcohol dose effects on fear conditioning with varying levels of threat intensity. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Berlin, Germany. PDF
Moberg CA, Weber SM, Jaber JN, Grant AM, Curtin JJ (2009). Alcohol dose effects on fear conditioning with varying levels of threat intensity. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual meeting, San Diego, CA. PDF
Moberg CA, Jaber JN, Curtin JJ (2008). Alcohol selectively affects anxiety but not fear. Poster presented at College for the Prevention of Drug Dependence annual meeting, San Juan, PR. PDF
Tolley-Schell SA, Curtin JJ, Grant AM (2008). Better Attend Here–Not There: Individual Differences in Orienting Predict Anxious Attention Bias and Defensive Driving. Poster presented at Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL. PDF
Bannon K, Betensky J, Contrada R, Curtin J, Wilson GT (2007). Body Image and the Acoustic Startle Reflex: A Preliminary Investigation. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Bardeen J, Read J, Curtin J, Bytschkow, J (2007). Using a Modified Stroop to Examine Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress, and Alcohol Cognitions: A Pilot Study. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Curtin JJ, Hogle JM, Kaye JT (2007). Negative affect during nicotine withdrawal. Neurobiology of Addiction conference. Santa Fe, NM. PDF
Gloria R, Rothwell P, Curtin, J (2007). The Effect of Alcohol Intoxication and Expectancy on Cognitive Control. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, New York City, NY.
Hogle JM, Curtin JJ, Kaye JT (2007). Negative Affect During Nicotine Withdrawal: Insights from Explicit-cue and Contextual Fear Conditioning Models. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco annual meeting. PDF
Moberg CA, Jaber JN, Curtin JJ (2007). Alcohol selectively affects anxiety but not fear. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Savannah, GA. PDF
Kerr DL, Sarinopoulos I, Schaus A, Green D, Curtin JJ, Nitschke JB (2006). Neural correlates of anticipation and uncontrollability in snake phobia. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, Atlanta, GA. PDF
Kerr DL, Sarinopoulos I, Schaefer HS, Schaus AS, Green DE, Ollinger J, Herrington JD, Curtin JJ, Nitschke JB (2006). Impact of Uncontrollability on Brain Areas Activated by the Anticipation of Disgust and Phobogenic Snake Videos. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, San Francisco, CA. PDF
Merrill JE, Jaanimägi U, Curtin JJ, Read JP (2006). Cue, mood, and personality effects on alcohol expectancies. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual scientific meeting. Baltimore, MD. PDF
Nusslock R, Coan JA, Harmon-Jones E, Abramson L, Curtin JJ (2006). Pre-frontal brain asymmetry moderates laboratory induced human helplessness. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Hogle JM, Curtin JJ (2004). Affective Reactivity during smoking withdrawal: Evidence for sex differences in smoking motivation. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Santa Fe, NM. PDF
Rothwell PE, Curtin JJ (2004). Alcohol effect on ERP correlates of cognitive control. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Santa Fe, NM. PDF
Rothwell PE, Curtin JJ (2004). Alcohol expectancy & pharmacology: Cognitive mechanisms underlying behavior regulation effects. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual scientific meeting, Vancouver, Canada. PDF
Themanson JA, Hillman CH, Curtin, JJ (2004). Differential influences of age and physical activity on ERN. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Santa Fe, NM.
Amodio DM, Harmon-Jones E, Devine PG, Curtin JJ, Hartley SL, Covert AE (2003). Neural signals for the detection of unintended race bias. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology meeting. PDF
Curtin JJ, Rothwell PE (2003). Cognitive control of behavior: ERP correlates of prepotent response inhibition in Stroop Task. Poster presented that the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Chicago, IL. PDF
Hogle JM, Curtin JJ (2003). Smoking and Stress: Disentangling nicotine effects on exogenous and withdrawal stress. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Casbon TS, Lang AR, Curtin JJ, Patrick CJ (2002). Alcohol induced commission errors: Premature responding or interference in context processing. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual scientific meeting, San Francisco, CA. PDF
Curtin JJ, Fairchild BA (2002). Alcohol & the Stroop task: Examining the role of cognitive control. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Washington, DC. PDF
Curtin JJ, Fairchild BA, Green DA (2002). Alcohol and Error Related Negativity: A test of the Response Conflict Resolution theory. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Washington, DC. PDF
Curtin JJ, Green DA, Fairchild BF (2002). Alcohol and behavioral dysregulation: Event related potential evidence of failures in cognitive control. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual scientific meeting, San Francisco, CA. PDF
Casbon T, Lang AR, Curtin JJ, Patrick CJ (2001). Alcohol-facilitated disinhibition of behavior: The role of working memory load. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual scientific meeting, Montreal, Canada.
Curtin JJ, Green DA (2001). Error related negativity (ERN): Error vs. conflict generated (2001). Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Montreal, Canada. PDF
Curtin JJ, Fairchild BA (2001). Alcohol’s impact on cognitive control of behavioral inhibition. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual scientific meeting, Montreal, Canada. PDF
Curtin JJ, Lang AR, Patrick CJ, Cacioppo JT, Birbaumer N (2001). Alcohol affects emotion and behavior through cognition. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual scientific meeting, Montreal, Canada. PDF
Casbon T, Lang AR, Curtin JJ, Patrick CJ (2000). Alcohol-facilitated disinhibition of behavior: The role of working memory load. Poster presented at the AABT annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
1999 and earlier
Curtin JJ, Lang AR, Patrick CJ, Cacioppo J, Birbaumer N (1999). Emotional and behavioral consequences of alcohol-impaired cognitive processing. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Granada, Spain.
Curtin JJ, Patrick CJ, Daughtrey EW (1998). Convergence and divergence between two inventories of personality and temperament. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society annual meeting, Washington, DC.
Breiner M, Curtin JJ, Lang AR (1998). Level of restraint moderates self-reported approach reactivity to substance cues. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society annual meeting, Washington, DC.
Casbon T, Lyons MY, Lang AR, Patrick CJ, Curtin JJ (1998). Predicting substance use disorders in criminals: Psychopathy, family history, and motivational variables. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society annual meeting, Washington, DC.
Daughtrey EW, Curtin JJ, Patrick CJ (1998). Behind the mask of psychopathy: Self- and other-ratings of temperament. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society annual meeting, Washington, DC.
Lyons MY, Casbon T, Curtin JJ, Patrick CJ, Lang AR (1998). Prediction and mediation of alcohol and drug abuse in criminals. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual scientific meeting, Hilton Head, SC.
Stritzke, WGK, Lang AR, Patrick CJ, Curtin JJ, Breiner MJ (1997). Toward a topography of craving. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual scientific meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Verona E, Curtin JJ, Levenston GK, Bradley MM, Lang PJ, Patrick CJ (1997). Psychopathy and physiological response to emotionally evocative sounds. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Cape Cod, MA.
Bridges C, Frank D, Curtin JJ (1996). Employer attitudes toward breastfeeding in the workplace in a Southwest Georgia community. Poster presented at the National Conference for Nurse Practitioners, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Washington, D.C.
Curtin JJ, Patrick CJ (1996). Estimation of missing data in psychophysiological research: Habituation should not be ignored. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Fite S, Frank D, Curtin JJ (1996). Women’s perception of social support and obtaining mammography screening. Poster presented at the National Conference for Nurse Practitioners, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Washington, DC.
Hults D, Frank D, Curtin JJ (1996). Job satisfaction of advance practice nurses. Poster presented at the Florida Nurses Association Annual Meeting, Orlando FL.
Kirkland A Frank D, Curtin JJ (1996). The perceptions of self-esteem in female victims of sexual assaults. Poster presented at the Florida Nurses Association Annual Meeting, Orlando FL.
Miller MW, Curtin JJ, Patrick CJ (1995). Startle reflex potentiation during active coping: Implications for motivational theory. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Toronto, Canada.