The Alcohol Sensitivity Questionnaire is a survey that assesses a large number of alcohol effects.
The ASQ consists of 15 items that are rated Yes or No.
Items 1-6 reflect “heavy drinking” questions. If a participant answers “Yes” to any of these items, they are asked a follow-up question about the maximum number of drinks the person could consume without experiencing that effect.
Items 7-15 reflect “light drinking” questions. If a participant answers “Yes” to any of these items, they are asked a follow-up question about the minimum number of drinks the person could consume before experiencing that effect.
The AEI yields 2 primary factors. Description of the factors and item loadings are found within the reference article (below). No items are reverse scored.
Fleming, KA, Bartholow, BD, Hilgard, JB, McCarthy, DM, O’Neill, SE, Steinley, D & Sher, KJ (2016). The Alcohol Sensitivity Questionnaire: Evidence for Construct Validity. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 40(4), 880-888.
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