The CAGEC is a modified version of the CAGE developed specifically for college students. The CAGEC consists of 5 questions: two items from the original CAGE along with three alcohol use quantity-frequency questions.
The CAGEC consists of 5 questions, to which participants answer yes, no, or choose one of the options provided for them.
Item responses on the CAGE are scored 0 or 1, except for the last item which is 0-7, and reverse coded. A higher score is an indication of alcohol problems. A total score of 2 or greater is considered clinically significant.
Mayfield, D.; McLeod, G.; and Hall, P. (1974). The CAGE questionnaire: Validation of a new alcoholism instrument. American Journal of Psychiatry, 131,1121-1123.
Heck, Edward J., Lichtenberg, James W. (1990). Validity of the CAGE in Screening for Problem Drinking in College Students. Journal of College Student Development, 31, 359-364.
Heck, Edward J. (1991). Developing a Screening Questionnaire for Problem Drinking in College Students. Journal of American College Health, 39, 227-231.
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