This is the Questionnaire our lab uses to collect demographics in all of our studies.
Currently, the following demographic questions are given to participants in our studies:
DEM_1 What is your AGE (in years)?
DEM_2 What is your GENDER?
DEM_3 What is your RACE?
DEM_4 Are you of Hispanic/Latino origin?
DEM_5 Select your highest level of education completed?
DEM_6 Please fill in your approximate personal income per year
DEM_7 Are you currently a college student at UW-Madison? YES NO
DEM_8 Please fill in your approximate personal income per year? $____________________
- not scored in varScore
We do not have copyright authority over these measures and cannot grant permission for use.
Questionnaires and other measures are provided here solely as a courtesy to accompany our scoring code. Please contact the author of the questionnaire for use permissions.
Use of scoring code is granted under CC BY-SA 4.0 permissions.