The Desires for Alcohol Questionnaire-6 (DAQ6) is a six-item scale that assesses desire to drink. It is a short version of the Desires for Alcohol Questionnaire (DAQ), which contains 32 items. It was derived originally from the Questionnaire on Smoking Urges (QSU), so many of its questions are similar to those of the QSU. The DAQ is also similar to the Alcohol Craving Questionnaire (ACQ), which was also derived from the QSU. The DAQ primarily differs from the ACQ because of its rewording of negative statements to positive ones.
The DAQ6 consists of 6 items that are each rated on the same 7-point scale, ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree.”
The DAQ6 yields 1 primary scale such that a higher score (agreement) indicates increased desire to drink. It contains no “reverse-keyed” items.
Love, A., James, D., & Willner, P. (1998). A comparison of two alcohol craving questionnaires. Addiction, 93(7), 1091-1102.
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