The ESI has three questionnaires: a 451 item,100 item, and 85 item. All three examine various dimensions of externalizing behaviors.
The questionnaire is scored on a 4-item likert scale (True- somewhat true- somewhat false- False). There are many reverse scored questions. You can find this information in the resource files below.
- Alcohol Problems
- Alcohol Use
- Alienation
- Blame Externalization
- Boredom Proneness
- Dependability
- Destructive Aggression
- Drug Problems
- Drug Use
- Empathy
- Excitement Seeking
- Fraud
- Honesty
- Impatient Urgency
- Irresponsibility
- Marijuana Problems
- Marijuana Use
- Physical Aggression
- Planful Control
- Problematic Impulsivity
- Rebelliousness
- Relational Aggression
- Theft
Krueger, R. F., Markon, K. E., Patrick, C. J., Benning, S. D., & Kramer, M. D. (2007). Linking antisocial behavior, substance use, and personality: An integrative quantitative model of the adult externalizing spectrum. Journal of abnormal psychology, 116(4), 645.
Nelson, L. D., Patrick, C. J., & Bernat, E. M. (2011). Operationalizing proneness to externalizing psychopathology as a multivariate psychophysiological phenotype. Psychophysiology, 48(1), 64-72.
Venables, N. C., & Patrick, C. J. (2012). Validity of the Externalizing Spectrum Inventory in a criminal offender sample: Relations with disinhibitory psychopathology, personality, and psychopathic features. Psychological assessment, 24(1), 88.
We do not have copyright authority over these measures and cannot grant permission for use.
Questionnaires and other measures are provided here solely as a courtesy to accompany our scoring code. Please contact the author of the questionnaire for use permissions.
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