The Intolerance of Uncertainty Inventory (IUI) evaluates both the excessive tendency of an individual to consider uncertainties in life to be unacceptable, as well as different cognitive and behavioral manifestations or consequences that may result from this excessive tendency. To do so, the IUI includes two distinct parts.Part A groups together items evaluating intolerance of uncertainty as defined specifically by Dugas, Gosselin, et al. (2001), while Part B groups together items evaluating different cognitive and behavioral manifestations or consequences of intolerance of uncertainty like doubt, seeking reassurance or avoidance.
There are 30 items in total that an individual can rate on a 5 point likert scale from 1 “Not at all characteristic me” to 5 “Entirely characteristic of me.” No items are reverse scored.
IUI_A = ‘IUI1’, ‘IUI2’, ‘IUI3’, ‘IUI4’, ‘IUI5’, ‘IUI6′,’IUI7’, ‘IUI8’, ‘IUI9′,’IUI10’, ‘IUI11’, ‘IUI12’, ‘IUI13’, ‘IUI14′,’IUI15’
IUI_B = ‘IUI16’, ‘IUI17′,’IUI18’, ‘IUI19’, ‘IUI20’, ‘IUI21′,’IUI22’, ‘IUI23’, ‘IUI24’, ‘IUI25’, ‘IUI26’, ‘IUI27’, ‘IUI28’, ‘IUI29’, ‘IUI30’
IUI_TOT = ‘IUI1’, ‘IUI2’, ‘IUI3’, ‘IUI4’, ‘IUI5’, ‘IUI6′,’IUI7’, ‘IUI8’, ‘IUI9′,’IUI10’, ‘IUI11’, ‘IUI12’, ‘IUI13’, ‘IUI14′,’IUI15’, ‘IUI16’, ‘IUI17′,’IUI18’, ‘IUI19’, ‘IUI20’, ‘IUI21′,’IUI22’, ‘IUI23’, ‘IUI24’, ‘IUI25’, ‘IUI26’, ‘IUI27’, ‘IUI28’, ‘IUI29’, ‘IUI30’
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