The Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire (MASQ) is an instrument containing a range of symptoms relevant to depression and anxiety. We have three different versions (90, 62, and 26 items).
Item coding can be retrieved from the Scoring Notes document below. The Items are coded differently for each version of the MASQ. Some items are reverse coded.
- may not be varScore compatible (see scoring notes for reverse coded items)
The MASQ has 5 subscales:
- General distressed symptoms mixed
- Anxious Symptoms
- Anxious Arousal
- Depressive Symptoms
- Anhedonic Depression
This is a copyrighted measure. The following questionnaire links are for the use of our lab only. For access to the measure(s), please contact the copyright holders here.
Full-MASQ Questionnaire – 90 items
Short-MASQ Questionnaire – 62 items
Mini-MASQ Questionnaire – 26 items
The scoring files were written in the R statistical programming language by John Curtin and are free for reuse. The authors of the MASQ have not authorized these scoring files and all users are responsible for ensuring their accuracy.
Mini-MASQ R Scoring Syntax file
Short-MASQ R Scoring Syntax file
Full-MASQ R Scoring Syntax file
We do not have copyright authority over these measures and cannot grant permission for use.
Questionnaires and other measures are provided here solely as a courtesy to accompany our scoring code. Please contact the author of the questionnaire for use permissions.
Use of scoring code is granted under CC BY-SA 4.0 permissions.