The Quality of Life Questions (QOL) is a 23-item questionnaire that measures an individual’s quality of life both globally and domain specific.
Item 1 has the following 8 responses: terrible, unhappy, mostly dissatisfied, mixed, mostly satisfied, pleased, delighted, prefer not to answer
Items 2-4 have the following 7 responses: excellent, very good, good, fair, poor, don’t know, prefer not to answer
Items 5-9 have the following 4 responses: yes, no, don’t know, prefer not to answer
Item 10 is a check all that apply question: SSI, SSDI, General Assistance/Welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, Prefer not to answer, None
Items 11-13 have the following 8 responses: at least once a day, at least once a week, at least once a month, less than once a month, not at all, don’t know, prefer not to answer, no family
Items 14, 15, 19b, and 20 have the following 3 responses: Yes, no, prefer not to answer
Item 16 has the following 6 responses: not bothered at all, bothered a little, bothered moderately, bothered a lot, prefer not to answer, does not apply
Item 17 has the following 4 responses: everyday, some days, not at all, prefer not to answer
Item 18 has the following response options: yes, not at all, prefer not to answer
Item 19 has the following 14 responses: independent, HUD rental subsidy, supported housing/bridge subsidy program, 8-16 hour group home, 24 hour group home, licensed specialized residential services, care home, nursing home, hospital, licensed crisis residential services, hospice, homeless shelter, homeless unsheltered, jail
Item 19a has the following 4 responses: not alone, alone, alone with pet, prefer not to answer
Item 21 has the following 5 responses: HUD section 8 rental subsidy program, HUD shelter + care rental subsidy, steadfast supported housing bridge subsidy program, no, prefer not to answer
Item 22 has the following 11 responses: employed, supported employment, consumer operated business, unemployed, not in labor force-homemaker, not in labor force-student, not in labor force-retired, not in labor force-disabled, not in labor force-other, not in labor force-sheltered/non-competitive employment, prefer not to answer
Item 22a has the following 2 responses: full time?, part time?
Item 22b has the following 11 responses: I don’t want to risk losing my benefits, I worry that my symptoms will interfere with my work, I’m not sure how to go about finding a job, I lack the skills necessary to do the kind of work I want, other, prefer not to answer
Item 23 has the following 5 responses: no, no but interested in attending school, yes full time, yes part time, prefer not to answer
None available.
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Questionnaires and other measures are provided here solely as a courtesy to accompany our scoring code. Please contact the author of the questionnaire for use permissions.
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