The Welsh Anxiety Iventory is a self-report anxiety scale also used to assess anxiety and negative affectivity in the current study. The 39 true-false items comprising this scale have been derived from the MMPI personality inventory to assess five anxiety-related symptoms including: decreased mental efficiency, negative emotional tone, interpersonal over- sensitivity, schizoid mentation, and pessimism and loss of energy.
The WAI consists of 39 items that are answered true or false.
The WAI yields one total scale(s). Item 39 is reverse coded. Scales are calculated as the sum of respective items.
Welsh, G. S. (1956). Factor dimensions A and R. In G.S. Welsh & W. G. Dahlstrom (Eds.), Basic readings on the MMPI in psychology and medicine (pp. 264-281). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
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