The Wisconsin Index of Smoking Dependence Motives (WISDM) is comprised of 68 items designed to assess 13 different motivational domains: affiliative attachment, automaticity, loss of control, behavioral choice/melioration, cognitive enhancement, craving, cue exposure/associative processes, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, social/environmental goads, taste/sensory properties, tolerance, and weight control. The alpha coefficients for the whole scale range from .98-.99, and the individual subscales range from .88-.96.
The WISDM consists of 68 items that are rated on a 7-point Likert scale as follows:
Not true of me at all | Extremely true of me | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
The WISDM yields 13 sub-scales. To calculate the scores of the subscales, take the mean of the items that load onto each subscale. The total scale score is the sum of all of the subscale scores, or a sum of the means for each subscale.
Affiliative Attachment | Subscale Description | 20, 36, 43, 48, 67 |
Automaticity | Subscale Description | 5,19,26,41,55 |
Loss of Control | Subscale Description | 6,28,34,62 |
Behavioral Choice/Melioration | Subscale Description | 10,21,35,38,46,49,68 |
Cognitive Enhancement | Subscale Description | 13,15,24,39,57 |
Craving | Subscale Description | 11,29,37,50 |
Cue Exposure/Associative Processes | Subscale Description | 4,17,23,40,42,51,59 |
Negative Reinforcement | Subscale Description | 7,18,25,32,58,65 |
Positive Reinforecement | Subscale Description | 3,8,45,60,64 |
Social/Environmental Goals | Subscale Description | 22,30,44,52 |
Taste/Sensory Processes | Subscale Description | 1,12,27,33,53,66 |
Tolerance | Subscale Description | 9,14,47,54,63 |
Weight Control | Subscale Description | 2,16,31,56,61 |
WISDM Questionnaire
SPSS Scoring Syntax File
R Scoring File
Piper ME, Piasecki TM, Federman EB, Bolt DM, Smith SS, Fiore MC, Baker TB. (2004). A multiple motives approach to tobacco dependence: the Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives (WISDM-68). J Consult Clin Psychol. 72(2):139-54.
Piper, M. E., McCarthy, D. E., Bolt, D. M., Smith, S. S., Lerman, C., Benowitz, N., … & Baker, T. B. (2008). Assessing dimensions of nicotine dependence: an evaluation of the Nicotine Dependence Syndrome Scale (NDSS) and the Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives (WISDM). Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 10(6), 1009-1020.
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