Software & Utilities

The following software and utilities have been created by John Curtin for the use of the research community.

PhysBox: The Psychophysiology Toolbox
An open source toolbox for psychophysiological data reduction within EEGLab.

R for Statistical Computing

R package to support analyses involving General, Generalized, and Multi-level Linear Models

MPQ Scoring
Scoring utilities for the brief (155 item) form of the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ):

  • R Scoring Syntax File
  • Windows EXE (Setup; Code; Documentation)
  • Citation: Patrick CJ, Curtin JJ, Tellegen A. (2002). Development and validation of a brief form of the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ). Psychological Assessment, 14, 150-163. PDF

BAC Calculator
Calculates alcohol dose necessary to obtain target BAC based on height, weight, age, gender, and duration of drinking period:

  • Web App
  • Windows EXE (Setup ; Code)
  • The formula used in this method has been most recently described in: Curtin JJ, Fairchild BA. (2003). Alcohol and cognitive control: Implications for regulation of behavior during response conflict. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 112, 424-436. PDF
  • The advantages of this method over the simpler Widmark equation are outlined here: Watson, P. E., Watson ID, Batt RD, Phil D. (1981). Prediction of blood alcohol concentrations in human subjects. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 42, 547-556 PDF

Computerized Individual Differences Assessor (CIDA)