M.S., Clinical Psychology, University of Wisconsin, In Progress
B.S., Psychology, Virginia Tech, 2012
B.S., Chemistry, Virginia Tech, 2012
Curriculum Vitae
Follow me on: PubMed Twitter @kpmagruder ResearchGate
Research Interests
I am interested in temporally sensitive, critical proximal risk factors for addiction relapse. Broadly, most prominent theories of addiction for nicotine dependence focus on distal risk factors, such as family history of substance abuse, comorbidity, impaired cognitive abilities, nature and severity of substance abuse, and drug cue reactivity when examining the etiology of addiction for nicotine dependence. And although these distal risk factors identify who will relapse, proximal risk factors, such as situational threats to self-efficacy, craving, social cue reactivity, affective states, and stressful life events predict when someone will relapse. I think that a greater focus on these proximal risk factors using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) and continuous psychophysiology methods in the real world can be used to better identify when people are at their greatest risk for relapse and therefore will improve long-term abstinence with addiction treatments.
Current Projects
Nicotine replacement therapy grant
Risk prediction grant
Selected Publications
Magruder K, Bradford DE, Starr MJ, Motschman CA, Curtin JJ (2015). Alcohol stress response dampening on startle potentiation, self-report, and ERPs during threat of uncertain location. Poster presented at the 21st annual Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion, Madison, WI.
Bradford DE, Magruder KP, Korhumel RA, Curtin JJ (2014). Using the threat probability task to assess anxiety and fear to uncertain and certain threat. Journal of Visualized Experiments.(91):e51905. PDF | Video
Magruder K, Bradford DE, Starr MJ, Motschman CA, Korhumel RA, Curtin JJ (2014). Alcohol stress response dampening of startle response, self-report, and ERPs during threat of uncertain location. Poster presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Bellevue, WA.
Bradford DE, Magruder K Subramani OS, Marek NM, Curtin JJ, Piper ME (2014). Smoking anticipation and actual smoking both lower physiological and psychological reactivity to stress for smokers in withdrawal. Poster presented at the 20th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Seattle, WA. PDF