Setting up a psychophysiology lab
- Instrumentation & hardware
- Supplies
- Citation: Curtin JJ, Lozano D, Allen JB (2007). The psychophysiology laboratory. In: JA Coan & JB Allen (Eds),The Handbook of Emotion Elicitation and Assessment, 398-425. New York, Oxford University Press. PDF
Alcohol Administration Methods
We have developed a more precise dosing algorithm than the simple dosing by weight & gender commonly used for calculating an alcohol dose needed to achieve a target blood alcohol level. We have also developed several automated calculators in different programming languages, which can compute these formulae based on user input.
Startle tutorial
Video tutorial on use of startle potentiation during predictable and unpredictable shock threat to index fear and anxiety
Citation: Bradford DE, Magruder KP, Korhumel RA, Curtin JJ (2014). Using the threat probability task to assess anxiety and fear to uncertain and certain threat. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 91, e51905. PDF | Video
Assessing Alcohol Problems
- A Guide for Clinicians and Researchers, Second Edition (2003)
- Supplemental: Quick-Reference Instrument Guide
R for Statistical Computing